Saturday, November 11, 2017

Mushroom and Potato Soup

Mushroom Soup is on the menu!

1 - Container of Mushrooms
1 - Small Onion
3 - Cloves of Garlic
3 - Tbsp Olive Oil
4 - Small to Medium Potatoes
2 - Tsp of Salt (sounds like a lot but it really brings our the flavors)
1/2 - Tsp of Pepper
5 - Cups of Water (use 4 for a thicker soup)

Since we will be blending everything at the end, there is no need to dice everything. I usually just thinly slice so it will cook a little quicker. Slice the Mushrooms.

Chop the Onion.

Dice the Garlic.

Add the Mushrooms, Onion and Garlic to a large stock pot. Coat with the Olive Oil and turn to a low-medium temperature.

While the Mushroom mixture is starting too cook, peel and slice the potatoes.

Once the Mushroom mixture has browned and started to release juices (5 - 7 minutes) add in the potatoes and mix everything together.

Add in the water (I use warm water so it will boil quicker), raise the temperature to high and bring to a boil, once boiling, reduce the temperature to low, cover, and simmer for 25 - 30 minutes.

Pour the soup into a blender (in batches if needed) and blend until smooth.

I transfer it back to my cleaned out sock pot.

Then serve!

A couple of things I would change for next time: Cut the water back by a cup or cup and a half to make it thicker. I would also look for something else I could add to bring out the flavors a little more. Maybe shred a sharp cheddar cheese or mix in sour cream? My son also suggested topping with some chopped up crispy bacon! (what a smart kid!)

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