Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Garlic Scape Pesto

In the Fall, I plant my garlic cloves and in the Spring, the garlic starts to sprout. By the end of June it's time to cut off the garlic scapes so that my garlic bulbs will grow nice and big. But what do you do with those garlic scapes that you cut off? I occasionally use it like normal garlic, chopping finely and adding to recipes but this time I decided to make a pesto with it!

10 - Garlic Scapes
1/4 - Cup of Pine Nuts
1/3 - Cup Parmesan Cheese
1/2 - Cup of Olive Oil
1/2 - tsp of Salt
1/2 - tsp of Pepper

Roughly chop your garlic scapes.

Measure out your pine nuts.

Break up your cheese into small pieces.

Put the scapes, pine nuts, cheese, salt, and pepper into a food processor and cover with 1/4 cup of the olive oil.

Process until all of the big lumps are gone, adding additional olive oil as needed.

Once done, it will look something like this.

Put into a container or bowl and your pesto is complete!

Boil some water and cook 1/2 box of pasta (serves 2 - 3). Once cooked to your liking, drain the pasta and then put it back into the pot.

Scoop in small portions of the pesto and mix into the pasta; add as much as you like. I like everything to be well coated so I end up using about 1/3 of my pesto.

Plate and serve with some additional Parmesan cheese on the side.

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