Saturday, October 15, 2016

Green Tomato Tapenade over Rice

With the longer summer we had this year, my cherry tomato plants decided to try and grow again but it ended up getting too cold and I needed to harvest the tomatoes before they were ready. So what do you do with a bunch of tomatoes that are too young to ripen? That's what I was wonder too so I started looking it up. A lot of the recipes were for soups but I wanted to do something a little different so I did what I always do; I made it up! This is my Asian Inspired Green Tomato Tapenade over Rice.

2 - Cups of Green Cherry / Grape Tomatoes
1/4 - Cup of Chopped Red Onion
2 - Cloves of Diced Garlic
1 - Tsp Dried Basil
1 - Tsp Grand Masala
1 - Tsp Paprika
1/4 - Tsp Salt
1/4 - Tsp Pepper
2 - Tbsp Soy Sauce
2 - Tbsp Olive Oil

Rise the Tomatoes.

Cut the small tomatoes in half and the larger ones into quarters.

Start by adding the and Olive oil to a sauce pan over medium heat.

Add the Onion and Garlic.

Fry for a couple minutes.

Add Basil, Grand Marsala, Paprika Salt and Pepper.

Mix everything together and then add the Soy Sauce and mix some more. Reduce heat to low and simmer for a couple of more minutes to let the flavors combined.

Serve over warm rice.

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