Sunday, February 28, 2016

Deep Fried Avocado Disks

Have you every seen one of those posts where it's a series of quick images that shows you how to make something and it looks super simple? Well so did I and this is what happened!

First, here is the video:

That looks super easy eh? So lets try it! Only one thing, it looks like she is making a Guacamole recipe but since I like mine so much better, I decided to use it instead of hers.

Ingredients (Guacamole)
5 - Avocado
1 - Tomato
2 - Green Onion
1 - Tbsp Lime Juice
1 - Tbsp Ground Cumin
A dash of salt and pepper

Ingredients (Disks and Batter)
1 - Medium white onion
3 - Eggs
1/2 - Cup Flour
2/3 - Cup Bread Crumbs
1/2 - Cup Oil for deep frying

Directions (Guacamole)
Cut up your Avocados and put them into a large bowl.

Dice up your tomatoes and put them in the bowl.

Chop up your green onion and put it in the bowl.

Add in the Lime Juice.

Add in the Cumin.

Mix everything together and the Guacamole is complete!

Directions (Putting it together)
Peel and onion and cut it into slices.

Lay the slices on a baking sheet covered in parchment paper.

Put the Guacamole into the onion rings.

Put the baking sheet into the freeze and freeze solid. About 2 hours.

Set out your egg wash, flour and bread crumbs.

Dip in Egg.


Then this is when it started to fall apart. next is bread crumbs, back into egg and bread crumbs again. My hand got really messy and batter covered (that's why the photos pretty much stopped at this point). From here we put the disks into the deep fryer. I think I had the oil too hot as they were literally cooking the batter in like 3 seconds a side. So less than 10 seconds a disk. When they came out they were still really cold in the middle!!! What the Heck??? I feel like then needed to be cooking for 30 seconds a side but they were burning in the oil.

I set them out and they look pretty good but nothing like the video and because they were still cold inside... I didn't really like them.

If you have any tips on deep frying then let me know and I can try this again.


  1. I remember seeing this recipe! Looked healthy but too much prep time. Sorry that it didn't turn out for you.

  2. The worse part was the egg wash and breading, its so messy! I make guacamole all the time so that was the easy part.
