Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Creamy Broccoli Dal

I've been on this Lentil kick for the last little while and yes, I'm still on it. Michelle sent me a link to "The Running Lentil" girl's site and after searching through it, there wasn't a lot of recipes but I managed to find this "Creamy Broccoli Dal (Red Lentil Soup)" recipe. As always, I made some substitutions from the original recipe to line up with what I had in the fridge. Oh the original recipe says it's Vegan so awesome if you were looking for a Vegan dish :)

2 - Tbsp Vegetable / Olive Oil
1 - Tsp Cumin seeds (I used Ground Cumin)
1 - Tsp Black mustard seeds (I used regular mustard seeds)
1/2 - Onion, chopped
1/2 - Cup Ref lentils
2 - Cups Broccoli (chopped into bite size pieces)
2 - Water
1/2 - Tsp Salt
1 - Cup unsweetened soy mil (I used Almond milk, not quite the same thing, but it worked)
1 - Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 - Tbsp Lemon Juice
1/2 - Tsp Turmeric
1/2 - Tsp Garam Masala
1/2 - Tsp Red Pepper flakes

Rinse lentils.

Heat oil on medium heat in large pan. Add cumin and mustard seeds.

(All the spices in a dish. This looked good for the photo but was a bad idea because I needed the cumin and mustard seed first, then the other stuff at the end)

The mustard seeds will start popping like crazy, it's kind of neat. Add in the Onion and Lentils. Saute until the onion starts to get a translucent.

Here you can see the onions are little more translucent and the lentils have some browning to them.

Add in the Broccoli.

Add in the water. Bring to a boil, cover and then simmer for 20 - 25 minutes stirring occasionally until the broccoli is tender and most of the water has been absorbed by the lentils.

It should look something like this.

Add the Soy (Almond) milk, soy sauce, lemon juice and the remainder of the spices.

Mix together and turn down even lower so it doesn't bubble or boil. Let it cook for a few minutes so that the flavors can combined.

Serve in a bright fancy bowl :)

I tried adding crumbled bacon on top but it really didn't add to it like I had hoped it would. This dish is best kept as a Vegan dish.

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