Saturday, September 19, 2015

Lettuce Quinoa Wraps with an Amazing Sauce

I like having pre-cooked Lentils and Quinoa in the fridge as I can easily turn it into a snack or lunch for work. Today was a relaxing day and it was a little bit after 11 when I started to think about what to make for lunch. The other day my son has mentioned that he wanted Lettuce wraps for dinner but we didn't have any lettuce. I ended up picking some up a day later so I figured that I could make them today. Normally I use a mixture of quinoa and lentils or other random things and wrap them up (Balsamic Lentil Quinoa Snacks) but today I wanted to make a sauce for them. I was looking up "lettuce wrap" sauces and pretty much every entry was on how to make "P.F Chang's Chicken Lettuce Wraps" (Never had it). I took a look at the sauce recipe but I didn't all the stuff so I decided to do what I do best. Improvise!

Sorry for the lack of photos but I didn't know the sauce was going to turn out this good!

Ingredients (Lettuce Wraps):
2 - Cups of Beef Broth
1 - Cup of Quinoa
2 - Tbsp Butter
5 - Mushrooms (Sliced and chunked)
1/4 - Large Onion (Chopped)
2 - Green Onions (Chopped - set to the side)
1 - Head of Lettuce (pull off large leafs)

Ingredients (Sauce):
1/4 - Cup of Sugar
1/2 - Cup Water
2 - Tbsp Soy Sauce
2 - Tbsp Ketchup
1 - Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 - Tbsp Dijon Mustard

Put the two cups of beef broth into a pot and bring to a boil.
Rinse the Quinoa under water, add to the pot of beef broth and reduce heat to a simmer.

In a small sauce over low-medium heat, add butter, onion and mushrooms. Cook until the onion is translucent and the mushrooms are browned then turn off heat.

While the quinoa (20 - 30 minutes) and mushrooms/onion (10 - 15 minutes) are cooking we can move on to the sauce.

In a medium bowl, add in sugar, water, soy sauce, ketchup, lemon juice, dijon mustard and whisk together. Put it in the fridge to cool a bit.

One of the things I didn't add to the sauce, which I normally would have, is garlic. I haven't tried it so I don't know how it will affect the flavor but I will try it for next time.

At this point the mushrooms/onion should be done and the quinoa should be getting close. When all the broth has been absorbed into the quinoa, you will notice that it starts to stick to the bottom of the pot a little bit. Add at Tbsp or two more broth to help loosen it.

Add the mushrooms/onion to the quinoa, mix together and then transfer to a bowl for serving.

On a large plate place two of the lettuce leafs, spoon in a couple of scoops of quinoa mushroom/onion mix, top with green onion and spoon on two or so scoops of the sauce. Wrap and enjoy!

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