Sunday, July 19, 2015

Red Lentil Soup

My Red Lentil soup started out as an accident. I never really liked green lentils but then I found out that brown lentils cooked in beef broth gave a really "beefy" flavor and I've been eating them for a while now. I picked up some red lentils wondering what they would taste like. I cooked them the same way but the red lentils started breaking down and not absorbing the beef broth like the green and brown lentils did. I let them cook longer and longer but it still wouldn't absorb. At this point I looked up red lentil recipes and they were pretty much only used in soups so I decided to turn it into a soup!

1 - Cup Lentils
4 - Cups Beef Broth
1 - Cup Water
3 - Cloves Garlic
1/2 - Onion Chopped
3 to 4 - Mushrooms Chopped
1/2 - Red Pepper Chopped
2 - Tsp Cumin
2 - Tsp Parsley

Rinse lentil before using. This is important to help remove the bitter coating on them. In a Large Pot Bring the beef broth to a boil and add in Lentils. Cook for about 25 - 30 minutes.

In the mean time chop up the Garlic, Onion, Mushrooms and Red Pepper.

(Chop the Mushrooms thicker to make the soup more "meatier") 

Fry the Onion, Mushrooms and Red Pepper over a medium-low heat for about 8 minutes or until everything starts to get translucent.

Add in the Garlic, Cumin and Parsley then fry for another minute or so

Pour the mixture into the Lentils along with the additional cup of water.

Bring to a boil again then simmer for 10 - 15 minutes to allow the flavors to combined.

Ladle into bowls and enjoy with some soft bread :)

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