Sunday, July 26, 2015

Borscht Lentil Dip

This recipe sounded really interesting to me. I make a pretty mean Borscht so I just had to try this Borscht Lentil dip. Give it a shoot and I think you will like it!

3/4 - Cup Cooked or Canned Lentils
2/3 - Cup Pickled Beets
1/4 - Cup Sour Cream
1 - Tbsp Olive Oil
1 - Tbsp Chopped Fresh Dill
1/2 - Tsp Salt
1/2 - Tsp Pepper

Cook Lentils.

Add Lentils to Food Processor.

Add Sour Cream.


Add the Beets.

And Dill.

Puree until smooth

Serve with some pretzel chips.


  1. As a Ukrainian purist, what happens if you use baked or boiled beets rather than pickled?

  2. I think baked beets would add a lot more inconsistencies in the colour and texture. Boiled would work but that adds a lot more prep time and I also think that you would need to add some additional dill as the pickled beets already bring some dill to the table.
