Monday, June 1, 2015

Creamy Shiitake Mushroom Sauce

It's funny how just asking someone what they are making for dinner can get your own creative juices going.  Today I asked a friend what she was going to make for dinner and she mentioned gnocchi with probably a sauce from a can. I started looking up different gnocchi sauce recipes as ideas but then I started thinking about my own dinner. I didn't have gnocchi but I had quinoa and some amazing mushrooms but the kids don't really eat quinoa... Chicken and rice seemed like a safe bet but then I thought I could dress it up with a mushroom sauce! That is how my thought process got around to tonight's dinner idea. Creamy Shiitake Mushroom Sauce. As always, I kind of looked up some ideas and then went with my own concoction :)

2 - Tbsp Butter
1/2 - Onion (1 full Shallot would have been better but I didn't have one)
4 - Oz of Shiitake mushroom (fresh)
1/2 - cup of Brandy
1/2 - cup of Chicken Stock
2/3 - cup of Whipping Cream
1/4 - cup of flour
I didn't even end up remembering to put in salt and pepper and it still tasted really good!

Chop the Shiitake mushrooms into bit size pieces.

Heat the butter on a low/medium heat and add the onion. Cook until translucent

Add in the mushrooms and cook for 5 or 6 minutes or until they start to colour a little bit.

Measure out the Brandy and pour it in with the mushrooms and onions.

If you are using fresh mushrooms, they will soak up all the Brandy in about a minute.

Add in the chicken stock, turn up the heat to medium and the sauce should start to bubble a little bit.

Add in the cream.

Sprinkle in the flour and whisk it around (I'm not a big fan of my current whisk so I went to use a fork but I didn't want to scratch the pan. Next I switched to this wooden spoon and ended up making a little bit of a mess).

Once the flour is mixed in the sauce will really start to thicken! I've seen lots of recipes that don't require flour but then never thicken enough for me so I like to add a little in.

Spoon the sauce over your chicken and you've made an amazing meal!

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