Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sweet Potato, Shallots and Carrots

Roots vegetables are still in season so I'm testing out a bunch of different recipes that use them. Todays recipe is a side dish that probably would have been better suited to go with a steak but it went okay with Chicken. It's quite sweet with the dates and honey but really good it you are looking from somethings sweet :)

3 - Tbsp Olive Oil
1 - Tbsp Butter
2 - Tsp Ginger
2 - Tsp Cinnamon
16 - Small Shallots, peeled and left whole
2 - Large Sweet Potatoes
2 - Large Carrots
3/4 - Cup pitted dates
1 - Tbsp honey
2 - Cups Vegetable Chicken Stock
A small bunch of fresh Cilantro, chopped
Salt and Pepper

Heat olive oil and butter in large skillet over medium heat. Add Ginger and Cinnamon. Peel shallots and put into the skillet, stirring often to completely coat in Ginger and Cinnamon combination. Chop Carrots and Sweet Potatoes then add to skillet. Mix well and increase the temperature to high while stir-frying the mixture for 2 - 3 minutes.

Add the Dates, Honey and mix again.

Pour in the stock and bring to a boil.

Cover and reduce heat to Medium-Low, cooking for about 25 minutes. The vegetables should be tender and slightly caramelized.

Uncover and stir in the Cilantro. Season to taste with Salt and Pepper.

Plate and Serve!

(My new Basil plant likes being in photos)

(It didn't go amazing with Chicken so I would suggest making this with a steak. I thought about having it will my Lamb but then I thought that would be too sweet of a meal)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sweet Potato and Coconut Soup with Thai Pesto

Another recipe from the root veggie section of my new cook book. This one is really simple to make, it's basically combining everything together and blending. I think the hardest part is getting all the different things to make the pesto!

Ingredients (Soup):
1 - Tbsp Olive Oil
2 - Large Sweet Potatoes, peeled, chunked
1 - Red Onion, chopped
1 - Tbsp Thai Red Curry Paste
2 - Cups Vegetable Stock
2 - Cups Coconut Milk

Ingredients (Thai Pesto):
2/3 - Cup Peanuts, lightly toasted (or normal store bought)
2 - Cloves Garlic, Chopped
2 - Tsp grated ginger (or powered ginger)
2 - Chiles, seeded and chopped
Small bunch of Cilantro
Large handful of Basil
2 - Tbsp soy sauce
2 - Tbsp lime juice
1 - Tbsp brown sugar

Directions (Soup):
Chop the potatoes into chunks.

In a heavy sauce pan, heat oil over medium heat. Add the sweet potato and onion, partially cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes or until the potatoes soften, while stirring often.

The potatoes should look a little brown at this point. Increase the heat to high, add the curry paste and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes.

Add the Coconut milk.

Add the stock.

Bring to a boil while stirring.

Transfer to a Blender and blend until smooth.

Directions (Pesto):
Put all the ingredients in a food processor (don't use a Ninja blender like I did).

Process until you have a chunky green paste (again if you use a Ninja blender it blends too much and looks all brown...)

Transfer the pesto to a contain as not all it will be needed for the soup (It looks really... brown... but it tastes really good and you can use the leftover pesto over pasta).

Ladle soup into bowl, float the pesto on top of the soup and garnish with Cilantro,

I was really surprised with this soup. On there own they are both good and together they work great! Enjoy :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Indian Potato Curry with Toor dhal on rice w/ Chicken

I was in Chapters over my lunch hour last week checking out some different books when I passed by the cook book section. Normally I just search for recipes online but there were a number of books on sale for $10. I was mostly interested in the books that had root vegetables in them as it's hard to come up with different ideas for potatoes and beets, and I always end up just making the same things. From this book comes tonight recipe for "Indian Potato Curry with Toor dhal". I added the chicken :)

This one was a little weird for me as it's the first recipe that I've made in the longest time that didn't call for me to saute onions first. I love to saute onions by the way!

1 3/4 - Cups of Yellow Lentils (I only had green and all the grocery stores were closed because it was a holiday)
3 - Tbsp Vegetable Oil
1/2 - Tsp Mustard Seeds
1/2 - Tsp Fenugreek Seeds
1 - Tsp grated Ginger
1 - Tsp crushed Garlic
1 - Tsp Chili Powder
1 1/2 - Tsp Coriander
1/2 - Tsp ground Turmeric
4 - Tomatoes, skinned and chopped
1 - Tsp Salt
1 1/2 - lbs Potatoes cut into 1-inch pieces

Ingredients to Serve:
2 Tbsp - Freshly chopped Cilantro
1/2 Tsp - Garam Masala
Basmati Rice


Wash the lentils well in several changes of water. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over low heat. Add the mustard and fenugreek seeds.

When they begin to pop, stir in the ginger and garlic, and fry for 30 seconds.

Add the chili power, ground coriander, turmeric and fry for another 30 seconds.

Add the tomatoes and lentils, cover with 2 1/2 cups of water, add salt and bring to a boil.

Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 20 - 30 minutes or until the lentils are soft

Add the Potatoes and simmer over low heat for another 10 - 15 minutes or until the potatoes are tender.

Sprinkled with chopped cilantro, Garam Masala. put over top of Basmati Rice

It tasted okay but I wanted something more. I ended up topping it with Chicken and Tamarind Sauce for some added flavor!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Zucchini Boats

I was positive that I posted the recipe for these before but I can't seem to find it anywhere so I'm going to post it now. Zucchini Boats. These are a pretty healthy side dish that is pretty to make and because I generally load them with cheese, the kids don't mind eating them ;)

3 - Zucchini (Green or Yellow)
1/2 - Quart of Cherry Tomatoes
1/4 - Cup of Bread Crumbs
1/2 - Cup of Shredded Cheese (Mozzarella or Cheddar)
3 - Cloves of Garlic minced
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut the 3 zucchini in half, lengthwise

Trim a little bit off the bottom of the zucchini (this will allow it to sit still on a baking sheet).

Using a spoon, scoop the seeds out of the inside of the zucchini and discard.

Mix together the minced garlic and olive oil. Brush liberally into the scooped out section of the zucchini and then grind salt and pepper over top.

Arrange halved grape tomatoes into the grooves, sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake in oven (350 degrees) for about 30 minutes.

Remove from oven and add shredded cheese on top. Place them back into the oven but now under broiler until golden and bubbling (3 - 5 minutes).

Remove from oven, cut into pieces and enjoy :)