Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BBQ Salad

Summer is finally here and it's so nice to stand outside to Barbecue. Don't get me wrong, I was Barbecuing all winter but I had the Barbecue pulled right up to my sliding door and I was Barbecuing from inside the house :)

For dinner was I going to make my "regular" BBQ chicken and rice but I happened upon an Instagram picture of a Salad with Barbecued Peppers and Mushrooms. I wondered about the mix of hot veggies and cool lettuce so I decided to give it a try.


1 - Chicken Breast (cooked and chopped)
1/2 - Head of Romaine Lettuce
4 - Medium Portobello Mushrooms
1/2 - Peppers, Red or Orange
1/2 - Red Onion
Balsamic Dressing


Wash, dry and chop your lettuce, set aside
Cut Peppers in half and remove seeds
Slice Onion into thick slices
Put Peppers, Onion and Mushrooms on BBQ, cover with some Diana's smoky BBQ sauce

Once the veggies are cooked, remove from BBQ and chop into thin slices

Plate lettuce and layer with Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Chicken and drizzle on Balsamic dressing

And there you have it, I nice BBQ Salad for dinner!

When I started plating I was thinking that this salad could use something else like a feta cheese or some cherry tomatoes but when I tried it, I though it was good on its own.

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