Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tomato Based Chicken Fusilli

I really didn't know what to make for dinner last night. We had Chicken Breasts last night, Steak the night before and Burgers before that so I wanted something a little bit different. I thought about making my Creamy Balsamic Penne but I didn't have whipping cream or spinach... Looking around in my cupboards I saw that I had diced canned tomatoes and a number of other veggies. I pulled some stuff out and this is what I came up with.


2 - Chicken Breasts
1/2 - Box of Fusilli
1 - Medium Onion
1 - Portobello Mushroom
1/2 - Orange Pepper
3 - Cloves Garlic
1 - Can Diced Tomatoes
1/2 - Can Sliced Black Olives
Salt, Pepper and lot of Basil

Options (not shown in Photos):

1 - Tsp Red Chili Pepper Flakes to add some heat
Top with Cheddar Cheese to add a little flavor
or Top with Goat Cheese to add a creaminess to the dish


Put your Chicken on the BBQ and Put your Water on the Stove to make the Fusilli. While the Chicken and Fusilli are starting, chop up Onion, Mushroom, Pepper and cook on medium heat until translucent

Add in Garlic, Salt, Pepper, Basil and mix well

Pour in the can of diced tomatoes, black olives, then simmer for 8 minutes or until sauce starts to thicken up a bit

At this point the Chicken and Fusilli noodles should be done cooking. Drain noodles and chop up the chicken

Plate the noodles and Top with Sauce

Add the Chicken on top (I really need to find a better way to plate the chicken so it looks a little nicer)

Server with a German Riesling

Top with a sharp Cheddar or Cream Goat cheese if you wanted to add some different flavors

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BBQ Salad

Summer is finally here and it's so nice to stand outside to Barbecue. Don't get me wrong, I was Barbecuing all winter but I had the Barbecue pulled right up to my sliding door and I was Barbecuing from inside the house :)

For dinner was I going to make my "regular" BBQ chicken and rice but I happened upon an Instagram picture of a Salad with Barbecued Peppers and Mushrooms. I wondered about the mix of hot veggies and cool lettuce so I decided to give it a try.


1 - Chicken Breast (cooked and chopped)
1/2 - Head of Romaine Lettuce
4 - Medium Portobello Mushrooms
1/2 - Peppers, Red or Orange
1/2 - Red Onion
Balsamic Dressing


Wash, dry and chop your lettuce, set aside
Cut Peppers in half and remove seeds
Slice Onion into thick slices
Put Peppers, Onion and Mushrooms on BBQ, cover with some Diana's smoky BBQ sauce

Once the veggies are cooked, remove from BBQ and chop into thin slices

Plate lettuce and layer with Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Chicken and drizzle on Balsamic dressing

And there you have it, I nice BBQ Salad for dinner!

When I started plating I was thinking that this salad could use something else like a feta cheese or some cherry tomatoes but when I tried it, I though it was good on its own.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Leek and Potato Soup

I love how smooth this soup is after it's been blended. I didn't do it this time but if you want it extra velvety smooth then you can run it through a strainer when pouring it out of the blender at the end. Oh and not pictured, because I totally forgot about it until I topped it with cheese, is sprinkling with crumbled bacon. Mmmm.... Bacon....

(updated photo with Bacon!)


2 - Small to medium onions, chopped
2 - Leeks, chopped
2 - Tbsp butter
2 - Tbsp flour
4 - Cups chicken stock (1 full 900ml box is close enough)
3 - Medium potatoes, peeled and chopped (even through the picture shows 4, I only used 3)
1 - Cup 1% Milk
1 - Bay Leaf
Salt and Pepper to taste
Garnish: 1 - Cup Old Cheddar Cheese and 1/2 - Pack cooked Bacon, crumbled


In a Large Stock pot add onions, leeks, butter and saute over medium heat until soft

Stir in flour and cook for another 2 minutes

Gradually pour in (read dump in) chicken broth, add potatoes and bring to a boil

Once a boil has started, add in the bay leaf, turn heat down to low and simmer for 30 - 40 minutes or until the potatoes are soft

(Photos missing) - Once the potatoes are done, stir in milk and season with salt and pepper. Ladle mixture, in batches, into a blender and blend until blended. Pour blended soup into a clean pot. Pour through a strainer to get the soup extra velvety

(Not the best looking picture but trust me, it's a good soup!)

Slice up a french loaf and butter a couple of pieces

Ladle the soup into bowl and serve with bread

Top with some old cheddar cheese for some extra flavor

And if you want even more flavour, add some crispy bacon on top!