Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Roasted Beets, Carrots and Sauteed Beet Tops

I'm not really sure why but I've always seemed to like beets. From Pickled beets to Roasted beets or Borscht, I've always liked them. During the winter months it's really easy to throw together some roasted root veggies like potatoes and carrots but after a while you want something a little different. That's where the beets come in. For tonights meal I'm using the whole beet so if you are one of those people who don't like the beet tops then try this out as it might just change your opinion of them!

I only had normal red beets for this recipe but using a split of normal and candy cane beets will add some colour and different flavors.

1 - Bunch of Beets (5 - 6) including Tops
4 - Large Carrots
3 - Cloves Garlic
2 - Tsp Butter
2 - Tsp Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper

Peel and chop carrots into pieces

Put into a medium size bowl

Chop the tops off the beets leaving about 1 inch on the top of the beet. I specifically do this because the leftover stem will get all nice and crunchy. I find that it really adds to the taste. My kids don't like the crunchy stem but they will use it as a handle when eating the beets.

Scrub the beets clean or use a peeler on them, chop off the root and cut into 8's or 4's depending on the size of the beet

Put the beets into the same bowl with the carrots

Sprinkle with salt, pepper and sometime I put on a little bit of oil if you have problems with things sticking to your baking sheets. Put them on a baking sheet and cook at 400 for about 40 - 45 minutes

Wash the beet tops

Cut into three sections

Put into a large frying pan, add butter and put on over medium heat (wait until the beets have been cooking for about 30 minutes before starting these)

Cook for a couple of minutes then add in the 2 Tbp of lemon juice

Chop up the garlic and after about 5 minutes of cooking, add in the garlic

The beet tops should be a lot softer now

Pull the Roasted Beets and Carrots out of the oven

Plate the Roasted Beets, Carrots and Sauteed Beet Tops with a Main like BBQ Chicken

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