Sunday, April 13, 2014


After making my Ratatouille and Feta pizza the other night, I had all these leftover veggies so I decided to try and make something out of them. Basically it's just all the veggies sliced up, layered and then I used the shallot sauce from Asparagus and Brie wonton tartlets to try and give it a little flavor. I'm going to be completely honest here... It wasn't very good but not everything turned out amazing. I'll do some research and find a better Ratatouille recipe, something with some real flavor. If you have any comments, please post them below.


1/3 - Cup Chicken broth
1 - Shallot, chopped
2 - Cloves garlic, chopped
1 - Tbsp Sherry vinegar


Thinly slice the first 5 ingredients and then layer alternating in a oven safe dish

In a sauce pan cook shallots for 2 minutes

Deglaze with broth and reduce by half

Add Sherry vinegar and reduce once again

Pour mixture over the arranged veggies. Add in some more chicken broth

Bake in the oven at 375 for 30 - 40 minutes

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