Sunday, April 27, 2014

Kale Soup with Spanish Chorizo

If you've ever had Kale then you know it's not the best tasting veggie. I've tried Kale chips, Kale in salads and it's only okay at best. My Kale Soup with Spanish Chorizo recipe actually makes Kale taste good and it's a great dish for those raining nights.


1 - Large Onion, finely chopped
3 - Tbsp olive oil
3 - Large Potatoes (I used Rustic this time)
8 - Cups water
1/2 - Lb Spanish Chorizo, cut into slices
1 - Bunch of Kale, center ribs discarded and rough chopped leaves


In a large soup pot, cook onion in olive oil over medium heat, stirring occasionally until translucent

Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices (they will be mashed up later). Add potatoes to pot with onion and cook for 5 minutes

Add water and a pinch of salt, simmer until potatoes are tender, about 15 - 25 minutes

Chop up the Kale, removing center ribs and rough chopping the leaves

Cook Chorizo in a large frying pan over medium heat. No need for any oil as the Chorizo will release some of it's own juices. Cook until nicely browned. Transfer to a paper towel and pat dry. At this point I'll rough cut them as I like smaller pieces of Chorizo in my soup.

Coarsely mash potatoes in pot with a potato masher but do not drain any liquid. Stir in Chorizo, simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in Kale and simmer until tender, 5 minutes add salt to taste.

Serve with a nice loaf of bread

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