Saturday, April 5, 2014

Banana-Berry-Spinach-Avocado Smoothie

Lately I've been seeing all these posts of different blended Smoothie type drinks and I've made some in the past but nothing recently. I saw this post on the Anytime Fitness Blog site for a "3-Minute Banana-Berry Green Smoothie" and when I looked at the picture, I thought to myself "that looks like a jar of Pesto". I had all the ingredients so I decided to give it a try. I doubled the Anytime Fitness recipe to make 2 and a bit glasses.

2 - Frozen Bananas
2 - Cups Berries (I have a mixture of frozen berries and fresh strawberries)
2 - Cups Almond Milk
1 - Avocado
1 - Handful of Baby Spinach

Put everything in a blender and blend. Once blended, pour into a glass

How did it taste? The Avocado gave it a creaminess but I have no idea why mine turned out Purple instead of green? Maybe too many Blueberries or not enough spinach? Oh well, it was worth a shot.

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