Tuesday, March 11, 2014


We've made Quesadilla's in the past but I've never thought anything of them. I wan't something different but easy to make so I put these together.

Ingredients (Dry Rub):
2 - Chicken Breast, Cubed
1 - Can Chick Peas
1 - Cup Salsa
1 - Cup Sour Cream
1 1/2 - Cups Shredded Old Cheddar Cheese
1 - Tsp Salt
1 - Tsp Pepper
1 - Tsp oil
8 - Soft Tortilla Shells
(I like the use the ancient grain but the kids wont eat them so I went with Original this time)

(I forgot the Chick Peas in the Original photo so I had to add them in)

Cook cubed Chicken in a frying pan on medium heat, Flavor with Salt and Pepper (18 - 20 minutes)

Strain and rinse Chic Peas

Mash Chic Peas up in a bowl

 (Sometimes I use the end of a rolling pin to smash them up a little better)

Add Salsa and Sour Cream

Mix together well

Lightly oil the bottoms of 4 Tortilla Shells and place on baking sheet. Split mixture between the 4 Shells

Split cooked Chicken between the 4 Shells

Top with Cheese

Lightly oil the tops of 4 Tortilla Shells and place on the other Shells

Bake in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes

Cut into quarters, plate and serve with additional Salsa and Sour cream

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