Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Butter Chicken Pizza

Another LCBO classic recipe! You are probably looking at all the ingredients and thinking to yourself "I don't have all the stuff or I can't make it". I had the same thoughts at first but once my friend convinced me to try this recipe it opened me up to making a lot of other different things. This recipe was also a confidence builder, it let me know that just because a recipe lists a lot of different ingredients or because it has a sub recipe for a sauce, doesn't mean it's complicated or hard to do. Oh and once you pick up the garam masala and cumin you can use those for other India dishes.

Ingredients (Chicken):
1 - Lb cubed chicken thighs
1/2 - Cup plan Greek Yogurt (I use 1% or 0%)
3 - Cloves garlic, chopped
1 - Tsp ginger
1 - Tsp garam masala
1 - Tsp lime juice
1 - Tsp medium curry paste
1/2 - Tsp paprika
1/2 - Tsp ground cumin
1/2 - Coriander
1/4 - Salt

Ingredients (Sauce):
1 - Tsp vegetable oil
1/2 - Onion, chopped
1 - Tsp garam masala
1 - Tsp medium curry paste
1/2 - Tsp paprika
1/2 - Cup canned diced tomatoes
3 - Tbsp whipping cream (can use Half/Half cream or milk if you really have to)
2 - Tbsp butter
3 - Pieces of naan bread
1 - Cup Goat cheese
1/4 - Cup Chopped Cilantro (or 2 Tbsp dried)

In a bowl, stir together, garlic, ginger, garam masala, lime juice, curry paste, paprika, cumin, coriander and salt until well blended.

Stir in chicken until completely coated. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour and up to 1 day. I generally make it the night before and leave it in the fridge overnight.

Pre-making some of the sauce stuff. In another bowl, stir together, garam masala, paprika, curry paste and tomatoes. refrigerate with chicken mixture.

When you are ready to start, turn the oven to 425 F. Arrange chicken on a greases, foil-lined baking sheet.

Roast in oven until cooked through, about 15 - 20 minutes. Set aside but leave oven at 425.

Once the chicken goes in the oven heat a large sauce pan to medium heat. Add the oil and chopped onion. Cook onion until golden, about 8 min, and then site in the pre-made sauce mixture.

Cook for 10 min (yes 10 minutes as the tomato sauce needs to reduce) and then stir in cream and butter until well combined.

Stir in chicken and turn off heat. Arrange naan on a large baking sheet, Divide chicken mixture over the naan. Sprinkle with goat cheese.

My naan bread normally comes in a pack of 4 or 5 and since the kids don't like eating butter chicken pizza (They are crazy!!!!), I end up making them their own pizzas. I shred up some cheese (mozzarella and cheddar), spread some store bought pizza sauce on the naan and then cover with cheese.

Put the pizza's into oven for 10 - 12 minutes. sprinkle with fresh coriander.

(Picture shown with dried coriander)

Cut each pizza into 4 pieces and serve :)

Update 2014/04/06 - If you have any leftover butter chicken then you can serve it over rice!

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