Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weekend of Appetizers!

On Sunday our friends, Dave and Ruth, came to visit. Dave and Ruth haven't been over since before the kitchen renovation (May of 2013) and I always make some appz and drinks when they come by. I had originally planned on getting all the clean done and then making for different appetizers but it didn't turn out like that... I ended up biting off more then I could chew again, over committed with kids stuff in the morning and then I had to rush to get the house clean and everything prepared on time.

As I had mentioned, the original plan called for Spinach Dip, Cheesy Greek Pinwheel's, Ham & Cheese Pretzel Bites and Stuffed Mushrooms... I didn't have enough time to make the Stuff Mushrooms but three out of four isn't bad and it turned out to be plenty of food.

Click on the links below to check out the recipes!

Spinach Dip

Cheesy Greek Pinwheel's

Ham & Cheesy Pretzel Bites

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