Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Spaghetti with a Sauce

Some nights I just don't have a lot of time to put something together so that's when I fall back to a pasta and homemade sauce. It's really quite quick and easy to do, or at least it feels like its easy because I'm not using the BBQ or Oven :)

1/2 - Box Spaghetti
1/2 - Medium Onion
1 - Clove Garlic (I used 3 because I love Garlic)
1/2 - Can (250ml) of Diced Tomatoes
1/2 - Container of Cherry or Grape tomatoes, sliced in half
1 - Tsp of Basil
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 - Tbsp of Olive Oil

Extra Ingredient:
1 - Cup of Shredded Old Cheese
1/2 - Package of Bacon (Cooked)
1/2 - Cup Sliced Green olives

Chop up onion and cook in olive oil on Medium heat (6 out of 10) until translucent (4 or 5 minutes). Add chopped garlic, mix around and let cook for a minute or so more. Dump in diced tomatoes and Cherry / Grape tomatoes and let cook for 8 minutes stirring occasionally.

*Side note: All though Cherry tomatoes and Grape tomatoes taste similar, Grape tomatoes are an oblong shape and have a tougher outer skin that makes them better suited for salads. Cherry tomatoes are round and burst when bitten into. Cherry tomatoes are my preference for making a sauce but they aren't always available....

While the Sauce is cooking away, it's time to cook your pasta. I use "Catelli Bistro sun-dried tomato & basil" spaghettini. 

At the same time that you put the pasta on, cook the bacon and grate your cheese. I have another recipe where you cook the bacon in the sauce but I'll save that for another time.

By now you should have noticed the sauce has started to thicken. Add in your Basil, Salt, Pepper and mix well. Turn off the heat and it should thicken up a little bit more while you are drain / plating the pasta.

Scoop the sauce over top of the pasta, then top with cheese, olives and crushed up bacon pieces. Garnish with a pickle on the side. I'd usually do Cheesy Garlic Bread but I had the ingredients left over from the sun-dried tomato breads so I made up a couple of those.

 (Spagatti and Sauce with Sun-Dried Tomato Breads)

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