Thursday, October 24, 2013

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Continuing on with the theme of using stuff from my Food Co-op package (see Leek and Potato Soup or Eggplant Rollatini), I'm going to use the Butternut Squash. Now, the only things that really come to mind when I think about Butternut Squash is roasted Butternut Squash with veggies or soup. I decided to combined both of those ideas to make a Roasted Butternut Squash Soup!

1 - Large Butternut Squash (about 2 lbs.) but in half
1 - Medium to Large Onion
3 - Cloves Garlic
1 - Tsp Cliantro
1/2 - Tsp Salt
3 - Cups Chicken or Vegetable broth


Cut the Butternut Squash in half and scoop out the seeds

Put halved and seeded squash cut-side-down in a large pan.

Put 1 clove of garlic under each squash half and cover with chopped onion (you only need to rough chop it as it will all be blended up later)

Pour in 1 cup broth and roast in a 375°F oven until very tender, about 45 minutes.

Let cool slightly

Scoop out the squash flesh from the peel and pour in the rest of the broth

Sprinkle salt and cilantro over top

 Pour into a blender (two batches for me) and blend

Put it into a bowl and you are ready to serve!

In the picture below you will see that I garnished it with chopped walnuts. My thought behind this was the Butternut squash is a little nutty and walnuts are nutty. I tired some walnuts and then some soup and I thought they tasted pretty good so I put the walnuts in and took this picture. But then I had the soup and walnuts together.... unfortunately the bitterness of the walnuts came out and it wreaked it. I ended up taking out the walnut and eating it with some fresh bread and butter which was much more enjoyable! I didn't get a picture of that because I'm still an amateur at this whole food picture taking thing :p

I would suggest topping it with a old cheddar cheese or sour cream (neither of which I had at the time of making)

(And yes, I know the bowl's suck... I'll get new ones soon...)

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