Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Leek and Potato Soup

For dinner tonight I had planned to make a regular ham, with roasted potatoes and veggies dinner but that all changed when a good find of mine, who I work with, was unable to pick up her Food Co-op package for the week and she told me that I could have it :)

This is a shot of all the items that were included in this weeks delivery

Yukon Gold Potatoes
Blue Passion Potatoes (never tried these before)
2 - Egg Plants
1 - Butternut Squash
1 - Buttercup Squash
1 - Sweet Potato Squash
6 - Beets
4 - Parsnip
4 - Cloves Garlic (I love Canadian Garlic)
2 - Yellow Cooking Onion
2 - Other Onion (no sure what these are yet)
2 - Leeks
1 - Green pepper
and a bunch of other little peppers that may or may not be spicy

With all this goodness I needed to decide on something for dinner and right away I thought of Leek and Potato Soup! Here is my Leek and Potato soup recipe; It's kind of simple but it tastes really good and if you aren't an onion fan don't worry, you taste way more potato than you do onion.

2 - Leeks, Chopped
2 - Yellow Onions, Chopped
2 - tbs Butter
2 - tbs Flour
4 - Cups of Chicken Broth
3 - Medium Yukon Gold Potatoes, Peeled and Chopped
1 - Cup milk
4 - Oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese
(1/2 - Package Bacon)


Rough chop the Leeks, Onion and then throw them into a large pot with the butter on medium heat and saute until soft

Stir in flour and cook for 2 minutes (I have no idea why it's 2 minutes and not 1 or 5... but 2 minutes seems to do the trick)

Pour in Chick Broth, add the Potatoes and bring to a boil

Once boiling turn the temperature down to low, cover and simmer for 30 minutes to develop the flavors and soften the Potatoes

Puree the soup in a blender

Because of the amount of soup, I had to do it in two batches, using another larger container to hold the first blended batch

Once both batches were blended I poured them both back into the original (rinsed out) Pot

To make it Velvety smooth you can pour it all through a strainer you are pouring it into back into the Pot but I skipped that step this time

Top with Shredded Cheddar cheese and optionally BACON!!! This dish is amazing with some cooked and chopped Bacon on top but I totally forgot about it until I was taking this picture and then I didn't want to wait for the bacon to cook (Me = Impatient and Lazy)

As another option you can serve it with a fresh load of bread and butter

Feel free to add salt and pepper as needed

(Serves 6)

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