Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Doughnut Bats

It’s that time again, no not Halloween but the time for the IT Department Bake Sale! This year I decided to make something a little different. Now, the Bake Sale isn’t until Friday but I had test these out beforehand. The final bats I make for Friday will have chocolate Timbits for the body and that is what I wanted to get for my trial but the Tim Horton’s I went to didn’t have any left! (it was only 6pm at night, how could they be sold out of them already?)

Chocolate Timbits
Mini Marshmallows (cut in half)
Almond Slivers
Black Decorating Gel


Start off with the Oreo's, twist them in half and then cut them into half

Push the halves into each side of the Timbit

Put a dab of the decorating gel on the back of a mini marshmallow and then stick it on to the Timbit

Put another little dab decorating gel on the marshmallow to make an eye ball

Stick two almond slivers into the front of the Timbit to make the fangs and you are all done!

Update: I ended up picking up those Chocolate Timbits and here is what the final product looks like!

(My Army of Minions)

(Zombie Head and Doughnut Bat)

(Zombie Heads in a bowl)

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