Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Creamy Balsamic Penne

Tonight for dinner I made “Creamy Balsamic Penne”. I can’t remember where I picked up this recipe from but I really like it because it looks like a fancy restaurant pasta but it’s really easy to make.

Ingredients (for 2 + a lunch portion):
2.5 cups  - uncooked penne
3 tbsp - butter
1/4 - red onion, chopped
4 - mushrooms, sliced
1/2 - Orange pepper, sliced
1/2 - head of garlic, minced (yes, a half a head, 3 or 4 large cloves)
2 cups - baby spinach
1.5 cups - whipping cream (you can substitute with butter if needed)
1/2 tbsp - basil
2 tbsp - balsamic vinegar
1/4 tsp - chili pepper flakes
1/2 cup - crumbled feta
1/2 cup - pecans


In a large pot, boil water for the penne

In a large skillet melt butter over medium heat
Add the onion, mushroom and peppers and cook until soft

Add garlic and sauté for a minute more
Add spinach, whipping cream, basil, balsamic, and chili pepper flakes.  Cook until it bubbles and thickens slightly (I honestly found that it never really thickened until I turned the heat off and let it sit for 5 minutes or so). 

Add cooked pasta and mix well
Plate mixture and top with pecans and feta

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