Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Edamame Beans and a chunky Milkshake

Have you ever heard of an Edamame bean? Basically they are a bean that is high in protein and, when eaten cold, taste kinds of milky. This is what Wiki has to say about it:

"A soybean that can be eaten fresh and are best known as a snack with a nutritional punch.
Edamame beans are rich in carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, and micronutrients, particularly folates, manganese, and vitamin K. Edamame beans contain higher levels of abscisic acid, sucrose, and protein than other types of soybeans and may contain carotenoids."

Why am I talking about Edamame beans? At the start of this month Jen decided to do a "Quantum Cleanse" which is basically cutting out animal products, gluten, sugar and pretty much everything else that is good. One of the things she picked up to snack on was shelled Edamame beans from the freezer section. The package said that they were high in protein so I thought I would try a couple to see what they tasted like (I totally expected them to taste like Lima Bean - which I dont mind). I tried a couple of them and they tasted pretty good but what I immediately thought was "I could combine this milky flavored bean with a nutty flavor to make something really good".

The first thing I did was Google "Edamame Bean Milkshake". The results weren't very promising, nothing came back about using Edamame beans in a milkshake type fashion so I thought "what the heck, lets experiment a bit".

I combined 1/3 cup of frozen Edamame beans with 3/4 cups of Almond milk (Silk True Almond because it's thicker than normal Almond milks), 1 tbsp of Vanilla extract, blended the heck out of it and it made an amazing milkshake! It's a little bit of a chunky milkshake but if you are craving that milkshake and can't have dairy then go with one of these and it will quench that craving.

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