Sunday, July 7, 2013

Can I can?

A little while ago I received a canning recipe and I was told that I should try to can my own relish. After reading through the "Canning 101" section of the magazine, I thought "It can't be that hard" and with that in mind I decided to to make my own relish. One fateful Saturday morning I was up at 6:30 am with the kids (this is actually pretty normal) and I decided that i wanted to do to the Farmers Market to see what they had. I got the kids ready and we were out the door in no time. By 7:00 am we had arrived. Walking up and down the aisle, there were lots of vendors with lots of different produce but what was the best tasting and best price. After a couple of loops through I found cucumbers that looked good and were priced good. With the supplies in hand we were back home by 8 or 8:30 (Jen wasn't up yet and had no idea that we were gone) and I was ready. I know that making my own relish was a multi-day task but it was a little more work then I expected (in hindsight it wasn't that bad). I chopped up all the ingredients, mixed in the salt and tasted it... BLAH! it tasted like salt but I guess that was to be expected. After having it sit overnight I drained out all the juices, replaced them with next set of ingredients, boiled them and put the relish in to jars. The jars went into the water bath to boil but next came the tricky part... How do I get them out of the boiling water? Using a combination of a soup ladle and a wooded spoon, I was able to get my relish out and this is the end result:

8 Jars of my own relish! I love this stuff and it's ready to eat!


  1. They -do- make special tools to get jars out of boiling water, you know :)

    1. I realized that after the fact.... I found a jar lifter at Target for like $9 a couple days later. That would have saved me from some scalding water splashes!
